Two things we have learned from the terror attacks in Israel and the reaction against the Hamas animals is that the impact of post-modern philosophy is almost complete. Past decades of indoctrination have taught that there are no consequences for actions. Hamas knew that Israel would retaliate and that the Arab propaganda machines would pump out lies about what the IDF was doing. It was Israels apartheid government that caused the attack, untrue.  It was Israels occupation that caused the attack, untrue. It was always Israels fault that the Palestinians do not have a country, untrue. We have been told for years that if only Israel would accept a two-state solution the Palestine problem would be settled, untrue as the two-state solution has been presented several times and rejected by the Arabs but accepted by Israel.  This is all part of post-modern deconstruction

Next, we see linguistic manipulation. For the propaganda to work the Arabs must make you believe that what you are seeing is false and the reality is what they tell you. In order to do this, they must twist activities. Apartheid as was mentioned is in fact prevalent in Gaza, the West Bank, and most Arab countries. Israel is in fact a free nation. Jewish is the official religion but that does not stop others, such as Muslims from freely practicing their religion. Arabs own their own businesses and are judges and members of the Knesset. The Jews are also called occupiers and colonizers. The region has established Jewish roots going back almost 4000 years. The name Palestine came from the Romans when they occupied the area. Palestine was never a country but a province of Rome. To say Palestine will be free is a poor message as there is no country, now or in the past, called Palestine. Therefore, there is no ethnicity called Palestinian, they are Arabs.  

Another term used is oppressors. Israel has never oppressed the Arab population in fact the only ones oppressing the Arabs in Gaza is Hamas. This is, however, an interesting word to use now. An offshoot of post-modernism is Critical Race Theory (CRT).  The main thrust of CRT has been that there are two entities in the world, the oppressed and the oppressor. Ignoring fact, the left’s propaganda machine has turned on the victims of hate and they are now oppressors. This is like blaming southern blacks for Jim Crow laws. If you open your mind and learn the facts of history, you will see a number of other ways that language has been used to obscure facts.

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